Good Times at the Lodge! We all know that the Walleye fishing can get slow during the day, especially if it is calm and sunny.
So, our suggested plan is get up early and hit the walleye before the sun gets too high, then, tie on some hardware and go pike hunting or see if you can join the 20″ Smallmouth Club, or, like our new friends who are here from Magog, QC, troll the trough in front of Two Moon Lodge for Lake Trout. But, remember to be back by 5 PM for our famous Pizza Cookout! You’ll need to fuel up for the evening’s Walleye bonanza.
That was the plan here yesterday. Walleye (Pickerel in Canada, eh), 32″ Northern, Bass and Lakers were all taken during the day. Then Eddy and I fired up the pizza oven and baked enough pies to feed 20 hungry fishermen. Its great to see our guests come together to mingle and share and food fishing stories. The hit pie of the night was my Fennel, Sausage, Red Onion with Buffalo Mozzarella. Shout out to Bruce Wine Bar in Thornbury, ON for that particular culinary idea. It is pretty amazing to be enjoying perfect wood-baked pizza mile away from the nearest road or home. We don’t only.
Then we hit the lake for the evening Walleye bite. Last night seemed slow. I took a tour to our prime fishing grounds to see how the guys were doing and to take a few casts–all in the interest of scientific research of course. Took a bit to find the place and technique, but when I did, I boated 12 walleye between 9 pm and 9:40, and missed a bunch. The ticket was to flip a chartreuse jig head with half a chartreuse twister tail and a piece of worm into the shallow water at a sand point. I would get a hit every cast, in less than 2 feet of water, right against the shore. Nothing big, but a respectable catch of pan-sized walleye, of which I kept a couple, releasing the rest.
The guys trolling small body baits in the shallows also did well; they had already got 11 before I even got my first walleye on the line. Slip bobbing leeches got a few fish too, but the worm/jig/twister tail seemed to be the ticket.