Happy Days Are Here Again

_MG_5308_MG_5311  After a slow start to the catching season, things really turned on this week at Two Moon Lodge. The consensus here is that things are running 1 to 2 weeks behind normal in terms of the fish location and feeding patterns. Our cool spring has meant that water temps are a good 5 degrees cooler than they usually are usual at this time of year. Anglers that have come back to Two Moon every year for the same week might have difficulty catching the numbers they are accustom to. Using the same technique in the same location because it has worked well in the past is a good strategy to start, but you need to know when to go back to the drawing board and try a new tactic. This week, for example, those who did best were fishing really shallow–4-5 ft of water–trolling tiny body baits or shoreline flipping jigs with ultra light tackle, just like one would have success doing during the 1st week of June.

But come dusk, the magic witching hour from 9:00-10:00 still produces plenty of fish, pretty much regardless of your location and technique. The trick is being sure to stay out while the June mosquitos are doing everything they can to make you give up the sport of fishing altogether. Dress so that there is no bare skin showing and stay tough my friends. It will pay off.