Dear Two Moon Lodge Friends,
We thank everyone for all your positive emails and phone calls in the last little while. The Morin family is doing well and we are excited to share with your some good news: our first grandchild is due to arrive in late July!
We are closely watching the COVID-19 situation as it develops across Canada and the U.S. While we can’t foresee what the situation will be like come the summer travel season, we hope that travel restrictions will be lifted at some point and that we will be able to operate Two Moon Lodge and serve our guests once again. We will always follow the recommendations of Public Health Officials and government directives in the manner in which we will safely operate.
As it now stands, we are honouring all bookings from May 30 to October. 2020. If you have made a deposit, please be assured that your booking still stands. We understand however that for some, vacation time might be affected or the trip might not be possible. If you feel the need to cancel your trip this year, we will rebook your trip to 2021 or 2022 and use your deposit toward a future trip. If you need to cancel entirely, we will provide you with a full refund of your deposit. In the event that we are unable to operate at the time of your booked trip; we will contact those guests affected well in advance. Since the COVID-19 situation is evolving so rapidly, we understand that your travel decisions might need to be made at the last minute and we will cancel or reschedule without penalty up to one week prior to your arrival date.
We hope that the secluded wilderness of Lake Kipawa can serve as an image of comfort during these times. Feel free to follow us on any of the social media links listed below and we will keep you updated by email as the situation evolves.
We encourage you to stay positive, follow the necessary precautions and we hope to see you at Two Moon Lodge this summer!
Take care of yourself, your family and your neighbours,
Dave and Julie Morin