September, you say? I say that it feels like the dog days of summer this week. Daytime temps in the 80’s, high humidity, the water still a swimmable 73 degrees, the leaves have not started to change and the fish, well, they are more active than—just a little deeper.
The guys here this week have had mixed success. Somedays, the walleye are feeding like it is the last worm they’ll see (and for some, that is true); other times, they need to be coaxed into biting. The fun part is that we have managed to put the guys onto fish and there are lots of stories about the ones they have missed.
But, we know that fall is coming. Next week is our last week of fishing, then it is back into the bush to get ready for our hunting.
I’ll give a bit of a season recap next week, after the last group pulls in the anchor.