Victoria Day Weekend, Twenty-fourth of May, May Two-Four, May Run, Pickerel Opener—we Canadians have a lot of names for our long weekend in May, when we head into the woods and celebrate the end of winter, take a few casts, have a few beer. For us up here at Two Moon Lodge, it is the weekend when we officially open for the season. This year is our tenth season at Two Moon (hard to believe) and our twenty-seventh as outfitters.
While we haven’t done much fishing in the two weeks since we have been up here, we have been busy getting the camp ready. Our guests this year will appreciate the comfort of some new beds (extra long ones too). We are in the process of rebuilding the outdoor kitchen that, when complete will include an expanded roof, decked floor and pergola. Since we first added the outdoor dining area, we have seen this spaced used by our guests not only for group meals and our weekly pizza cookout, but as another place to sit, read or play board games.
Other not so noticeable improvements are underway at the camp: new septic system for two cabins, resurfaced docks, solar power upgrading. We will be busy over the coming weeks getting our noisy work done while before the camp is full with guests. We will working to keep Two Moon Lodge one of the finest and most unique small wilderness lodge resorts.
Stay tuned for fishing reports and updates, which, as in the past, will occur weekly. I look forward to seeing everyone again this season.
Dave and Julie