Family Values (and Pizza)


Aside from the drone of water bombers and helicopters, busy keeping the forest fires away from our beautiful lake, it was a quiet week, all alone Two Moon Point.

New friends

Well, Julie and I weren’t exactly alone. In fact, our camp was full, as it is for most of the summer, with our favourite type of guests: the family fishing trip. Lots of collecting toads and snakes, bike rides, horseshoes, canoeing and kayaking, making crafts from the bottomless “Craft Trunk” and of course, swims to our Turtle Rock. All while mom enjoys a relaxing session of yoga with Julie, or dad trolls for his dream walleye. And Pizza.

Julie on a family fishing trip, circa 1968

There is something wonderful about a family who chooses to spend their precious vacation time out in the wilderness that is in line with our own idea of a family vacation. Both of Julie and I have great memories of the annual family trip with our families. For Julie, it was a trip to a lodge near Sturgeon Falls on Lake Nipissing; for me, the annual trip usually meant hiking and portaging canoes into some remote and untouched trout lake. We carried on this tradition with our children, both of whom were potty trained on Missinaibi Lake in Northern Ontario.

We see the values that come with a family cottage vacation: being unplugged from the internet and video games, experiencing nature firsthand, making new friends, reeling in a first fish, sleeping so deeply. And Pizza.

Here at Two Moon Lodge, we try to help by offering another kind of value, making the family experience as affordable as possible. Our 4-day and 7-day Family Cottage Vacations offer the best value on the lake. Check out our Family Vacation deals here:

Two Moon Lodge is the perfect place to spend this quality family time. We are one of the few places on Lake Kipawa that has a shallow, sandy lake bottom. The breeze we get on our open, exposed point gives us fewer mosquitoes and flies, and the lake’s best fishing is right at the cabin’s doorstep. Oh, and Pizza.


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