Family Fishing Fun

Who says you need fancy equipment to catch trout? Kayak trolling a crank bait just out from the camp


School is out and the kids are itchin’ for fishin’? Two Moon Lodge is the place to head.

This past week a family took advantage of our Private Lodge Booking package and brought up the whole clan. And did they ever catch fish! We have had a stellar week of walleye and trout action, some of the best in recent memory.

So, if you are wondering what to do with the family this summer, give us a call.

Tip of the day:

The may fly hatch is underway now, but so far it hasn’t been big enough to negatively affect the fishing. The guys have had good walleye action in the evening and the lake trout fishing has been awesome. The lake was as calm as a mill pond this morning and lake trout were coming to the surface to feed on flies, showing that you don’t necessarily need to go very deep for trout this time of year. Trolling a deep running crank bait or a heavy spoon with a sinker will do the trick. Anywhere in the top 35 feet of the water column will produce lake trout.