Two weeks ago we had ice, now kids are in swimming. Sure, the water is still cold enough that we can watch the lake trout swimming around our docks, but for the most part the weather has been great. And, in case you are wondering, yes, the black flies are out. Thankfully, our open and exposed point here at Two Moon Lodge means that we can enjoy relatively bug-free days.
The walleye fishing has been affected by the late ice-out. They really haven’t shown up in the bays yet, so our guests have had to try their luck trolling shorelines or running deep to see if they can latch into a cruiser. The good thing about this technique is that you are never sure what you are going to catch. We have had lake trout, smallmouth bass and whitefish caught this weekend, plus a couple of nice walleye. A beautiful 24″ walleye was caught on a crawler harness and promptly released, plus a perfect 18 incher that was kept for the frying pan. Great fun for the families who are joining us for the first time.
So, while the fishing might be slow, the groups here have had a wonderful time. As always, our guests are blown away by the fantastic spot we have. Not to mention, our famous pizza cookout. Yes, we fired up the pizza oven and cooked up fifteen delicious pies for our guests. Crowd favourites were our Poutine Pizza and BBQ Chicken with Grilled Pineapple.
It certainly feels like summer is on its way. Now, we just need the walleye to return home.